3D model: laboratory mouse

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Free 3D Model:
Click here to watch the video

Title: ................ Laboratory Mouse
Download: ........ (c4d) or (3ds)
URL: ................ google 3d warehouse

A "house mouse" I drew by hand in 2012.


In 2012 I need to create a nice animation zooming into single cells within a house mouse (Mus musculus) - the type of mice use in most laboratories. Unfortunately I couldn't find any good free models anywhere so I decided to drawn my own by hand in Cinema 4D R12 using a couple of mouse images as reference. It's not anatomically accurate, but it's about the best I could do without an actual mouse in front of me (ideally one that had been sectioned and imaged).

I have made this model freely available for download as a Cinema 4D (.c4d) and 3D Studio Max (.3ds) format. I've also uploaded it to 3D Google Warehouse (now "Trimble") for download as a Google SketchUp file (.skp), but to upload to 3D Google Warehouse I did have to reduce the polygon/point count from 20k points to about 8k points, and so it looks a bit ugly.

If anyone's interested in rigging this mouse let me know, but for any Cinema 4D users it will interest you to know that the Cinema 4D R13 actually comes with a great mouse (already rigged and textured) as as a default model.

See Also