The BRATS Sex Conversation

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NOTE: This page is a daughter page of: Safe Sex

In the Ethical Non-Monogamy (ENM) and BDSM communities, the acronym BRATS is used to guide pre-sex discussions, ensuring clear communication and mutual understanding. It stands for: Boundaries, Roles, Activities, Trigger Warnings, Safe Words. It's not so much about safe sex, but the detailing of a scene.

The BRATS Sex Conversation

Here's a quick breakdown of the STARS conversation model:

  1. Boundaries: Discuss personal limits and activities that are off-limits.
  2. Roles: Define the roles each person will take during the interaction.
  3. Activities: Outline the specific activities you plan to engage in.
  4. Trigger Warnings: Share any topics or actions that could be emotionally triggering.
  5. Safe Words: Establish words or signals to pause or stop activities if needed.

Once again this, doesn't really cover the more important part of sex - which is safe sex. For that check out the STARS and CHIP safe sex conversation models.

See Also
