Google Slides - Creating an Add On
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NOTE: This page is a daughter page of: Google Slides, and is related to: JavaScript
This demos a Google Slides Add On I call "Acknowledgement Slide Generator" which inserts new slide then a grid of images and text boxes.
Background and Instructions
This is similar to instructions from the Google Slides Quickstart (Translate)... and then the rest I figured out from the Slides API.
Warning: The code works, but I never managed to actually get this published, because the documentation for that was nasty. I work at Google and I couldn't figure it out. Similar to this is my page: JavaScript - Generating Image Boxes from a Text Area. |
- Create a new Google Presentation.
- From within your new presentation, select the menu item Tools > Script editor. If you are presented with a welcome screen, click Blank Project.
- Delete any code in the script editor and rename to You may be prompted to give a project name first (call it "Acknowledgement Slide Generator").
- Create a new file by selecting the menu item File > New > HTML file. Name this file sidebar.html.
- Replace any code in these two files with the following content, respectively:
Google Slides Add On - Acknowledgement Slide Generator
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
.logo { vertical-align: middle; }
ul { list-style-type: none; padding: 0; }
h4 { margin: 0; }
* Runs generator (in
function runGenerator() {
this.disabled = true; // Disable buttons, etc, until done.
var numPeople = parseInt(document.getElementById("txt-num-people").value);
var picWidth = parseInt(document.getElementById("txt-pic-width").value);
var picHeight = parseInt(document.getElementById("txt-pic-height").value);
var maxCols = parseInt(document.getElementById("txt-max-cols").value);
.addAcknowledgmentSlide(numPeople, picWidth, picHeight, maxCols);
this.disabled = false; // Re-enable buttons.
<form class="sidebar branding-below">
Number people: <input type="number" name="txt-num-people" id="txt-num-people"
min="1" max="30" value="4">
Picture size: <input type="number" name="txt-pic-width" id="txt-pic-width"
min="10" max="300" value="100" step="5" style="width:60px"> x
<input type="number" name="txt-pic-height" id="txt-pic-height"
min="10" max="300" value="100" step="5" style="width:60px">
Max columns: <input type="number" name="txt-max-cols" id="txt-max-cols"\
min="1" max="30" value="6"><br>
<div class="block" id="button-bar">
<button class="blue" id="run-generator" onclick="runGenerator()">Generate</button>
<h5 class="error" id="txt-feedback"></h5>
<div class="sidebar bottom">
<img alt="Add-on logo" class="logo"
src="" width="27" height="27">
<span class="gray branding-text">Ack Generator</span>
* @OnlyCurrentDoc Limits the script to only accessing the current presentation.
* CREDIT: Andrew Noske. 2019.
* Create an Open "Acknowledgement Generator" menu item.
* @param {Event} event The open event.
function onOpen(event) {
.addItem('Open', 'showSidebar')
* Open the Add-on upon install.
* @param {Event} event The install event.
function onInstall(event) {
* Opens a sidebar in the document containing the add-on's user interface.
function showSidebar() {
var ui = HtmlService
.setTitle('Acknowledgement Slide Generator');
* Insert a new blank slide at the start of the current presentation
* with a title that says "Acknowledgements".
function insertTitleSlideAtStart() {
var presentation = SlidesApp.getActivePresentation();
var slide = presentation.insertSlide(0, SlidesApp.PredefinedLayout.BLANK);
var SLIDE_WIDTH = SlidesApp.getActivePresentation().getPageWidth();
var titleText = slide.insertTextBox("Acknowledgements", 10, 10, SLIDE_WIDTH - 20, 50);
* Inserts a new "Acknowledgement Slide at the start of the presentation.
* This slide has the given number of profile images and text,
* evently spaced in a grid.
* @param {number} numPeople The number of profiles to create.
* @param {number} picWidth The width of each picture in pixels.
* @param {number} picHeight The height of each picture in pixels.
* @param {number} maxColumns The maximum number of columns to show. If numPeople
* is more than this it will start adding rows.
* @return {number} The number of profiles created.
function addAcknowledgmentSlide(numPeople, picWidth, picHeight, maxColumns) {
// Insert new slide to start of presentation.
// Get first slide:
var slideDeck = SlidesApp.getActivePresentation();
var slide = slideDeck.getSlides()[0];
// Slide dimensions:
var SLIDE_WIDTH = slideDeck.getPageWidth();
var SLIDE_HEIGHT = slideDeck.getPageHeight();
var SLIDE_TOP_BANNER = 60; // Bedause we already added a title that says "Acknowledgements".
// Profile dimensions:
var profileNameHeight = 30;
var profileCommentHeight = 20;
var profileHeight = picHeight + profileNameHeight + profileCommentHeight;
var profileNameYOffset = picHeight;
var profileCommentYOffset = profileNameYOffset + profileNameHeight;
// Determine number of rows/columns and spacing between boxes:
var cols = (numPeople > maxColumns) ? maxColumns : numPeople;
var rows = Math.ceil(numPeople / maxColumns);
var xSpacing = (SLIDE_WIDTH - (cols * picWidth)) / (cols + 1);
var ySpacing = ((SLIDE_HEIGHT - SLIDE_TOP_BANNER) - (rows * profileHeight)) / (rows + 1);
console.log('cols=' + cols + ' * rows=' + rows); // DO NOT SUBMIT.
console.log('xSpacing=' + xSpacing + ' * ySpacing=' + ySpacing); // DO NOT SUBMIT.
// For each person:
for(var i = 0; i < numPeople; i++) {
var rowIdx = Math.floor(i / maxColumns);
var colIdx = i - (rowIdx * maxColumns);
var x = (colIdx * picWidth) + ((colIdx + 1) * xSpacing);
var y = (rowIdx * profileHeight) + ((rowIdx + 1) * ySpacing) + SLIDE_TOP_BANNER;
console.log(' ' + i + ': x,y=' + x + ',' + y); // DO NOT SUBMIT.
// Add placeholder image:
var img = slide.insertImage(
x, y, picWidth, picHeight);
// Add text box for name:
var nameBox = slide.insertTextBox(
"First Last",
x, y + profileNameYOffset, picWidth, profileNameHeight);
// Add text box for comment or email.
var commentBox = slide.insertTextBox(
x, y + profileCommentYOffset, picWidth, profileCommentHeight);
return numPeople;
* Test function you can run in without opening the menu.
function testAddAcknowledgmentSlide() {
var numPeople = 4;
var picWidth = 100;
var picHeight = 100;
var maxColumns = 6;
addAcknowledgmentSlide(numPeople, picWidth, picHeight, maxColumns);
- Save the project:
- Select the menu item File > Save all. Name your new script "Acknowledgement Slide Generator" and click OK. The script's name is shown to end users in several places, including the authorization dialog.
- Select the menu item File > Managed versions save as a first version.
- Try it out:
- Switch back to your presentation and reload the page.
After a few seconds, a "Acknowledgement Generator" sub-menu appears under the Add-ons menu. Click Add-ons > Acknowledgement Generator > Start.
- A dialog box indicates that the script requires authorization. Click Continue. A second dialog box requests authorization for specific Google services. Click Allow.
- A sidebar appears. To test it, type some text into your presentation, then select it, and click the blue Generate button. To replace the text in the presentation, click Insert.
- Publish:
- If you were developing a real add-on, the last step would be to publish it for other people to find and install.
- Google Slides - official site, where you can create your own slides.