Dating jealousy scale

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NOTE: This page is a daughter page of: Graphic Scales

Medium dot com logo.png NEWSFLASH: I've also published a shorter version of this article to!
Please support me by adding a "clap" at: Dating Jealousy Scale

Here's a scale I made after a funny conversation with a friend. It helps highlight the extreme differences between people. In early dating (ahead of an exclusivity talk), I've lived in places where the default is dating multiple people is assumed, but rarely talked about. And I've lived in places where once you go on a single date with one person, it's assumed you shouldn't be dating or even looking at anyone else - to do so is "two-timing". My conclusion is that you should never assume. Just ask!

My Graphical Representation of a "Dating Jealousy Scale" (0-10)

Send to someone you are dating and/or someone experiencing jealous discrepancy/confusing with their partner.

(full res widescreen image)

The idea: Send to someone you are dating, in the early stages, to check that you are on the same page.

It also applies to couples that have reached the exclusive stage though, as I've thrown in a few references to that. I've known some very jealous people... and it's really interesting being part of the dance community, because even though the whole idea is that you can show up and dance with anyone, and a dance is just a dance, it still pays off to have those conversations.

See Also
