TRE - Brisbane

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Location in West End


NOTE: This page is a daughter page of: Conscious Events - Brisbane

So I'm a huge fan of Gabriel Kaszab! He has a wonderful gift for reading energy, he does incredible Reiki massage, he keeps an incredibly safe container and I was really excited to try his TRE (Tension Relief Exercises) sessions, even though I had no idea what it actually was. I've explained below what it's about, but in a nutshell, imagine really light yoga where you are encouraged to shake or "tremor" slightly to release tension. And it works! I've brought at least four different friends along so far because I love it. You should try it too! Some people come once, take the tools and do it by themselves... some think "That's nice, but not for me" (they still enjoy it, but it doesn't shake their world), and some of us just keep coming back for Gabriel's soothing voice and wonderful instruction.

  • What:
    A TRE (Tension Relief Excercises) session, which you can think of as soft yoga with a focus on letting go by slight shaking (tremors) ...(alternating).
  • When:
    Every Wednesday 6:00pm - 7:00pm ... be sure to check the website for changes... (details).
  • Where:
    Haiku, 71 Russell St, West End, QLD ... (map)
  • Cost:
    $20 at the door.
  • What to wear:
    Loose clothes, but it's low-impact, so even jeans work.
  • Website:
    TRE page ... (and gabriel kaszab).

This isn't a pic of the actual venue (that's not Gabriel at the front), but it's more or less what it looks like!

What is TRE (Tension Relief)

I'll take this from the official TRE website: Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) is an innovative series of exercises that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma. The exercises safely activate a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating that releases muscular tension, calming down the nervous system. When this muscular shaking/vibrating mechanism is activated in a safe and controlled environment, the body is encouraged to return back to a state of balance.

About the Event

The wonderful Gabriel Kaszab
(who runs the event) (facebook)

The floor at Haiku is nice and cushy and yoga mats are provided, so you just have to slow up. Gabriel adds his own flavour, and often it's a pretty small class, but seems to be growing (once there were 12 of us) as people love the soft energy Gabriel offers. Some of us head over the road to The Burrow afterwards too... or at least that's a fun option if you come with a friend!


    Andrew Noske

PS: I like that Gabrielle usually removes the word "trauma" from the acronym. It can be good for trauma, but it can be helpful and therapeutic for anyone, so it's not one of those events where you're asked about trauma. It's light and relaxing for most of us!

See Also

Acknowledgements: A huge thank you to Gabriel Kaszab for making TRE a labor of love. He is passionate about sharing it with people, and he has a gift of calmness with people that most of us mere mortals try hard to learn from. Thanks also to my amazing friend Heather for introducing me to this. 💕