Phone prolificacy scale

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NOTE: This page is a daughter page of: Graphic Scales

Medium dot com logo.png NEWSFLASH: I've also published a shorter version of this article to!
Please support me by adding a "clap" at: Phone Prolificacy Scale

One of my amazing female friends inspired this scale. I'd shown her the very similar "Text messaging scale", but we realized calling can be something different entirely. Sometimes we forget that our phones can be used as (wait for it)... phones. What might take 30 minutes of texting back and forward to coordinate something might be a 5-minute call. But the nature of today's world - people have grown afraid of conversations, especially on the phone. Admittedly, when I was a kid I was at level 3 on this scale. I'd rehearse for 30 minutes what I would say on the phone, but I was also just a shy kid! Nowadays I like to think I can pick up a phone in an instant to call if a place is open, and so on... but often... well I just forget to!

My Graphical Representation of a "Phone Prolificacy Scale" (0-10)

Send to someone you know is always or never on the phone!

(full res widescreen image)

The idea: You can send this to any friend with a different "phone" style than you for a laugh. However, I think it's most relevant for people who have just started dating!

This is most useful in early dating to help set expectations. It's like love language, right? We don't all align. Fortunately, in the scheme of things people can misalign on (kids, monogamousness, religion), your comfortability with phone calls is usually something you talk about and then laugh about. It shouldn't be a deal breaker, but if you do have a big discrepancy between how much you want to talk, develop your own little strategies where someone might text back an emoji or meme if they can't answer your call. Or maybe they prefer leaving voice notes or videos on WhatsApp than talking for hours. Leave them a little "thinking of you", "how are you" and/or a funny story. You'll figure it out. :)

See Also

Acknowledgements: Crystal inspired this one. Thanks Crystal. :)
